Succession Planning and Implementation for Board Members

Ÿ         The Company adopts a candidate nomination system for the selection of directors, and each term of office is three years. Introduced an independent director system and established an Audit Committee and a Remuneration Committee. At present, there are 7 directors (including 3 independent directors), each of whom has management expertise in healthcare, business, financial accounting or corporate operations, and the Company will continue to strengthen the structure of the Board of Directors.

Ÿ         To enhance the professionalism and continuous improvement of the Board members, the company considers areas beyond the professional expertise of each director. It selects training courses covering topics related to the nature of the company's industry, such as finance, risk management, business operations, commerce, legal affairs, accounting, corporate social responsibility, internal control systems, and financial reporting responsibilities. Each director is required to complete at least six hours of training annually to ensure they possess substantial industry knowledge and stay updated with the latest developments.

Ÿ          Currently, several senior executives within the group possess the managerial and professional skills required to serve as directors. The company also plans to seek external professional talent to prepare for director succession planning. For independent directors, the company will comply with legal requirements to appoint individuals with work experience in areas such as business, legal affairs, finance, accounting, or corporate operations, further enhancing the company's corporate governance functions.

Succession Planning and Operations for Key Management Positions

Ÿ         To develop key management personnel and their deputies, the company periodically organizes internal and external training programs. This includes group training and voluntary participation in director development courses. In practice, management capabilities are further enhanced through job rotations, project assignments, and group-level management initiatives.

Ÿ         The Board of Directors, through the Compensation Committee, conducts annual reviews of senior management evaluation and development. Outstanding senior executives are recommended for approval and promotion, ensuring the preparation of high-caliber talent required for the company's long-term growth.

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